HARARE – Roman Catholic bishops say the country is sliding into a de facto one-party-state due to the “death of democracy” and further warned the current economic crisis was pushing the majority into abject poverty.

Writing under their umbrella Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference (ZCBC), the clergy warned the country’s unresolved political contests since last year’s disputed elections have not left Zimbabwe in a good space.

Zimbabwe’s controversial poll saw President Emmerson Mnangagwa re-installed for a second term in succession while his party Zanu PF kept its parliamentary majority.

The poll was however condemned by SADC, EU and other international observer missions for failure to meet both regional and international benchmarks set for it to be considered credible.

In a recent message to mark the beginning of the Catholic Church Lenten season, ZCBC said there was rising fear among citizens that the country was moving towards authoritarian rule under a one-party-state.

“The unresolved political contests since the August 2023 elections have not left the country in a good space.

“Locally, there are fears among people that we are moving towards a one-party state, with democracy dying a slow death,” said the clergy.

Recently, Zanu PF secured a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly following a series of recalls on CCC legislators by self-imposed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu which resulted in the holding of by- elections.

Turning to the economy, the conference said ordinary Zimbabweans continue to suffer from the non-performance of the economy.

“The decision by the government to raise taxes at a time when ordinary people can hardly afford a meal a day has worsened the family situation.

“For the majority of the elderly and the poor in particular, it has become unbearably expensive to live. Prices of basic commodities are increasingly expensive,” it said.

Zimbabweans have seen high prices of basic commodities skyrocket as the country battles recurrent currency depreciation and the controversial introduction of punitive taxes by government.