HARARE – Some Zanu PF supporters have filed police reports claiming assault in Sunday’s violence in which the opposition CCC also claims activists were attacked and left nursing injuries sustained in the hands of the enemy during a community voter mobilising exercise ahead of a Matobo council by-election.

In a statement Monday, police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the ZRP has since received reports of assault from both Zanu PF and CCC supporters and was investigating the allegations.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police is seized with reports of violent skirmishes which occurred in Matobo on 16th October 2022,” Nyathi said.

“Reports of assault have been received from both Zanu PF and Citizens Coalition for Change members.

“Investigations are now in progress with a view of accounting for all suspects involved in violence.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police urges political parties and supporters to be responsible and shun all forms of violence.”

CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere Sunday sent an SOS via social media claiming some party activists were injured in attacks by alleged Zanu PF supporters.

Among activists allegedly attacked was party legislator Daniel Molokele.

Some female community actors who were spearheading the campaign were also attacked and further undressed by the enemy.

Some video footage in which men dressed in Zanu PF t-shirts and driving vehicles marked with party colours allegedly caught in the violent act circulated on social media Sunday.

Mahere claimed the “Zanu PF thugs” were in a 7-vehicle convoy.

Police have neither commented nor authenticated the image as related to the Sunday violence.

Reports of political victimisation on Zanu PF supporters are rare in the country.

According to monthly reports on politically motivated violations compiled by independent group, the Zimbabwe Peace Project, most victims of politically motivated violence are opposition followers with both Zanu PF and the State often fingered as the main perpetrators.