HARARE – A conductor employed by a leading bus company Rimbi Tours has been arrested on allegations of trafficking a 16-year-old girl to Cape Town and selling her into sex slavery.

Levie Tsongo, 37, of Kuwadzana in Harare, made a brief appearance before Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi who remanded him out of custody on US$100 bail.

Tsongo is a conductor for a Rimbi Tours bus that plies the Harare-Cape Town route.

The National Prosecuting Authority says on May 22, 2024, Tsongo, working in cahoots with one Simba believed to be in Cape-Town, South Africa, and others who are still at large hatched a plan to traffick a girl aged 16 years for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

“To achieve their goals, Tsongo was to identify and transport the victim from Murewa to Cape Town,” said Thomas Chanakira, prosecuting.

Tsongo escorted the victim and made sure that she reached the intended destination.

The girl was surrendered to Simba.

The court also heard Tsongo was given US$20 bus fare for the teen and the money was sent via a money transfer agency.

“Upon arrival in Cape Town, the complainant was received by Simba who took her to his place of residence as his wife. The complainant was subjected to sexual exploitation and denied freedom of movement by being restricted indoors,” said Chanakira.

The complainant is still staying with Simba.