HARARE – A senior police officer who was at the receiving end of chilling threats by deputy tourism minister Barbra Rwodzi for arresting a Zanu PF thug has allegedly gone missing.

Police appear not too concerned about assistant Inspector Chester Last Matsa’s safety, apparently taking the view that he has deliberately absconded work.

Matsa’s failure to report for work was announced in a radio dispatch sent to all police stations, dated July 28, 2023.

“Be advised that the above-mentioned member went AWOL on 24/07/2023 and has not reported for duty to date. Efforts to locate same at his known address were in vain. If located arrest, detain and advise this loc for escort,” the police radio issued from Shurugwi Police Station said.

Matsa, 43, was based at Charandura Police Station in Chirumhanzu but was abruptly transferred to Shurugwi after a viral phone conversation between him and Rwodzi was leaked.

Rwodzi, the sitting Zanu MP for Chirumhanzu, raged at Matsa in the three-minutes-30-seconds call recorded on July 16, labelling him a “dog” and a “stupid idiot.”

The incident came after Matsa arrested Fidelis Danger, one of Rwodzi’s shock troops, for taking down election campaign posters of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

Rwodzi told Matsa “I will deal with you” in a furious rant in which she also revealed her close association with police chief Commissioner Godwin Matanga.

Rwodzi railed: “I will finish this with you in front of Matanga. You’re an idiot… You think CCC will win? You’re a dog! You’re a dog! Go and file a complaint wherever you want, you’re a dog. Stupid!”

Matsa did file a police complaint against Rwodzi in Gweru on July 17, 2023.

“The accused person threatened the complainant with harm over the phone,” according to the complaint, which named Rwodzi as the accused person.

Police subsequently issued a statement stating that the incident was under investigation, but no further update was released.

Matsa is a married father of six, according to colleagues.