HARARE – The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said it would appeal on Thursday after ZESA subsidiary, the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company, was fined US$200 for causing the death of a man who was electrocuted after coming into contact with exposed power cables.

ZETDC was arraigned before the Murambinda Magistrates Court on culpable homicide charges.

The court fined ZESA just US$200.

In a statement, the NPA said: “We will be appealing the sentence.”

The charges emanated from an incident at around 3PM on March 3, 2022, when Havatendi Kangetsambo, 52, accidentally touched exposed cables at a farm.

Kangetsambo was killed instantly.

The NPA says the small fine trivialises the offence and will be seeking a harsher penalty for ZETDC.

Last year, the power company was forced to fork out US$19,000 as compensation for damages to a 13-year-old boy who was electrocuted and sustained severe electrical burns in 2019.