HARARE – Jailed human rights defenders Robson Chere, Namatai Kwekweza and Samuel Gwenzi will spend more time under remand prison detection after they were on Thursday denied bail by Harare magistrate Ruth Moyo.

Moyo said the state managed to argue its case and the grounds for opposing bail.

“Having taken into account that some of their accomplices escaped, they might regroup to reoffend.

“From the submissions made by the State, there is a possibility that the release of the accused might undermine delivery of justice,” she said.

Their lawyers said they will be filing an appeal at the High Court.

“The charges are that they participated in a disorderly conduct on the 27th of June and we do not agree.

“We do not agree with the reasons given by the court for denying them bail.

“We will immediately file an appeal against refusal of bail by the magistrate at the High Court.

“Disorderly conduct attracts a Level Two fine which is US$15.

“They might be serving much more than the sentence which this charge attracts,” said their lawyer Charles Kwaramba.

The three were arrested on July 31 on allegations of disorderly conduct.

The state alleges that the three staged demonstrations at the Harare Magistrates Court on June 27 denouncing the continued detention of 78 CCC activists.

They all deny the allegations.