HARARE – Businessman Ian Macmillan, 42, lost US$40,000 cash to his gardener and the latter’s wife who both went on to splash the cash on buying cars and houses.

The gardener, Lot Chakanga, 41, has been hauled to court to face court charges together with his wife Sofia Siakakaye, 39.

Harare magistrate Evelyn Mashavakure is presiding over the matter.

The two were not asked to plead when they appeared in court and were released on ZW$200,000 bail each.

Trial commences on May 16.

According to court papers, the alleged theft took place on March 23 this year at Mcmillan’s Chisipite home.

Court heard, on the day, Mcmillan arrived home driving his Land Rover Discovery.

“Due to his disability, any one of his workers comes to assist him from disembarking the vehicle.

“This day, Chakanga was the one who assisted him and took out his wheelchair from the back of the vehicle and took him inside the house which was approximately 40 metres from the parking lot,” read court papers.

It is alleged Macmillan then instructed him to clean his vehicle.

He had left an envelop with US$40,000 in the glove compartment.

Chakanga cleaned vehicle and later left all doors and windows closed.

It is alleged that about an hour and 30 minutes, Macmillan returned to the vehicle to collect the money but could not find it.

The businessman summoned Chakanga and two other gardeners to quiz them on the missing cash but they both denied seeing the money.

He then sent two other gardeners to go and search Chakanga’s staff quarters room but could not find the envelope with the cash.

Macmillan then went to the police to file a report and on his return at around 5pm, he found Chakanga and his wife had vanished.

The court heard that at around 7:30pm on the same day, Macmillan rang Chakanga to enquire about his whereabouts.

Chakanga told his boss he had left for the shops and was about to return.

He did not return as promised.

Detectives later received information that Chakanga was in Karoi. They then made follow ups and located him in Chinhoyi and when they searched him, they could not find the cash.

Upon further questioning, Chakanga admitted taking the cash and handing it to his wife for safekeeping.

Further questioning revealed the two had bought a house in which they were now living in Rusununguko, Chinhoyi.

An agreement of sale with the owner was also produced.

Part of the money was also used to buy building materials as the house was bought semi complete.

They also bought a Nissan two tonne lorry for US$3,000 which they parked at a house belonging to Chikanga’s brother.

The rest of the money was not accounted for.