HARARE – Lawyers have raised concern over the bad health conditions of human rights activists, Robson Chere, Namatai Kwekweza, Samuel Gwenzi and Vusumuzi Moyo saying their clients need psychological support following their torture by men who pulled them off a waiting plane on Wednesday to subject them to the abuse.

Chere and colleagues on Friday appeared before Harare magistrate Ruth Moyo who remanded them in custody to this coming Monday after the state indicated that it was opposed to bail.

They face charges of disorderly conduct with the state alleging they were part of demonstrators who staged a protest against the continued detention of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) faction leader Jameson Timba and 78 party activists at the Harare Magistrates’ Court sometime before.

The four had arrived at court in the morning with Chere struggling to walk while his clothes was soaked in blood.

Lawyers raised several complaints against the state indicating that their clients were “abducted” from a plane and tortured for hours before they were handed over to the police.

The court was also told that their abductors numbered 12 and were putting on caps written “Tafadzwa Hondo” and also labelled themselves as “new boys in town”.

Chere sustained serious injuries on his backside. His lawyers say he risks losing his kidneys if he is not urgently attended to.

Jeremiah Bamu, representing Chere, said the ARTUZ secretary general’s condition is fatal.

“As we speak, he is unable to sit upright. He has visible bruises on his buttocks. He is prepared to reveal that part of the body for the court to examine and for the state to appreciate his condition,” Bamu said, adding that Chere was subjected to water bodying while he was facing upwards.

“He was dreadlocked but his assailants pulled his dreadlocks out and where they could not, they attempted to cut them off with a knife.

“They also threatened to kill him or rape his wife if there will be any demonstrations ahead of the SADC summit.”

He said the assailants told him precisely where his wife and children were at that particular moment, adding that they could do whatever they wanted with them and there was nothing the activist could do about it.

Chere was made to stand up for the court to see his bloodstained shirt and his head.

Bamu told court that the assailants shoved a booted foot into Kwekweza’s mouth.

They also forced a metal bar into her mouth well aware that she was still recovering from a dental procedure.

She was also kicked with booted feet on her backside and accused of being talkative.

Bamu however said his client was out of the country at the time the alleged protests over Timba’s detention took place at the court building.

Gwenzi and Moyo are being represented by Tinashe Chinopfukutwa and Charles Kwaramba respectively.

The two allegedly endured torture although they did not sustain visible injuries.

“Moyo was interrogated for long hours by different people who took turns to ask him several questions about where his children were, who is his wife, his source of income and not only that, there were moments the abductors would take turns to mock him about his situation.

“Since that time of detention, Moyo has had incurring episodes of confusion arising from these continuous hours of interrogation,” said his lawyer.

Their assailants also told Gwenzi that they could rape his wife.

They ordered hm to also warn CCC politicians Ostallos Siziba and Takudzwa Ngadziore against holding any demonstrations.

Anesu Chirenje prosecuted.