HARARE – Prominent lawyer Thabani Mpofu has written to Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) commander, Lieutenant General Anselem Nhamo Sanyatwe, demanding that he withdraws his unconstitutional declaration Zanu PF will rule forever and vows the country’s military will use force to ensure voters cast their ballots in the ruling party’s favour.

Sanyatwe, in a recent viral video, addressed a Zanu PF rally in Nyanga North constituency, declaring, “Zanu PF will continue ruling until donkeys grow horns,” and that the army would use force, what he termed “command voters,” to guarantee the ruling party’s ‘eternal’ stay in power.

Mpofu wrote to Sanyatwe, demanding he unconditionally withdraws his alarming utterances.

The lawyer, who has represented former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa and his party on poll related challenges before, described Sanyatwe’s comments as unconstitutional and partisan.

“Sir, it has come to my attention that you have been recorded addressing a gathering of multitudes in the following manner (per my translation):

“… Zanu (PF) shall rule until donkeys grow horns, whatever your stated and expressed wishes. I am now speaking as the Commander of the Army. We shall use what is called Command Voting… Do we understand each other? Forward with Zanu (PF), Forward with (PF)… Forward with ED Mnangagwa. Down with the enemy,” wrote Mpofu.

The lawyer considered the statements a violation of Section 208(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, which requires security services to be non-partisan and act in the national interest.

He argued that Sanyatwe, as a member of the ZNA, had acted in a partisan manner, furthered the interests of Zanu PF, and prejudiced the legitimate political cause of the opposition.

Sanyatwe’s utterances declaring the army’s allegiance to Zanu PF is against the backdrop of former army generals openly declaring their allegiance to the ruling party.

In 2002, the late Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) commander, General Vitalis Zvinavashe, pledged allegiance to the late Robert Mugabe vowing the military would not salute any President who does not have liberation war credentials even if he wins the ballot.

The widely condemned declarations were targeted at then opposition MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai who was a tough challenger for Mugabe’s job.

Mpofu urged Sanyatwe to withdraw his statements insinuating the military would be at the center of ‘rigging’ elections in favor of Zanu PF, as it amounted to a wilful and wanton violation of the Constitution and laws of Zimbabwe.

“The First Schedule to the Defence Act (Chapter 11:02) in that your conduct in uttering the above statements was unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman as it amounted to wilful and wanton violation of the Constitution and laws of Zimbabwe.

“Sir, I therefore write to demand, as I now do, that you unreservedly withdraw your above statements within seven (7) days of your receipt of this letter, failing which I shall take steps to ensure that appropriate remedies under law are put in motion,” read Mpofu’s letter.