JOHANNESBURG, South AfricaThe state has withdrawn criminal charges against rapper and TV presenter Molemo “Jub Jub” Maarohanye. Maarohanye faced charges of rape, attempted murder and assault.

In a letter to Maarohanye’s lawyers date June 20, acting deputy director of public prosecution in Johannesburg TJ Mbodi said: “After careful perusal of the abovementioned police docket, together with the relevant prosecutors’ report read in conjunction with your representation, this office has decided to withdraw the charges against the accused as there are no reasonable prospects of a successful prosecution …

“Your representation is therefore successful and the criminal case against the accused must be withdrawn.”

The National Prosecuting Authority’s Phindi Mjonondwana confirmed the letter.

“After consideration of the case docket, the report from the prosecutor and the representations lodged to the director of public prosecution’s office, that office came to a conclusion that there are no reasonable prospects of a successful prosecution and the sensible thing to do was to withdraw the charges against Molemo Maarohanye,” she said.

Sowetan previously reported that TV personality and businesswoman Amanda du-Pont accused her ex-boyfriend Maarohanye of having previously admitted to raping her.

This was contained in a statement Du-Pont had submitted to police in support of a rape case she laid against the rapper at the Brixton police station in Joburg in 2022.

Du-Pont first made the rape allegations against Maarohanye in a video clip she posted on her Instagram account. This was after Maarohanye had boasted during an interview with podcaster Mac G about “smashing” her.