HARARE – A burst condom during sex with a prostitute has landed a Harare man in court, charged with rape.

Godfrey Muteswa, 34, deliberately tore the condom and proceeded to have sex with his accuser despite her insistence on the use of protection, the Harare Magistrates Court heard on Wednesday.

Muteswa, according to prosecutor Sebastian Mutizirwa, picked up the hooker from Joy Centre Night Club in Machipisa, Highfield, on July 30 this year. A fee of $10 was agreed for sex.

They proceeded to the woman’s residence in the same neighbourhood, magistrate Rumbidzai Mugwagwa heard.

The woman, 28, gave Muteswa a condom to put on, but it is alleged he went on to deliberately tear it just before the intercourse was to begin.

“The complainant realised that Muteswa had torn the condom and ordered him to stop but he resisted and went on to sleep with her without protection,” Mutizirwa said.

The state further alleges that Muteswa paid $8 instead of the agreed $10 after raping the victim.

Following the alleged sex attack, the victim called a taxi and went to a police station where she filed a case of rape.

Muteswa denies rape, insisting that the condom burst during sex. He told the magistrate he was the one more concerned about possible exposure to sexually transmitted diseases given the alleged victim’s risky sexual behaviour.

He also told the magistrate he successfully negotiated for $8 although the woman had initially charged him $10.

The case was postponed to a later date for trial.