HARARE – First lady Auxillia Mnangagwa’s combustive behaviour is causing widespread discontent in government circles, ZimLive is reliably informed.

So challenging it has become to work with her over the past few years, say sources, that many state actors — including cabinet ministers and security details — are now reluctant to do official business with her.

In interviews with senior government figures, ZimLive heard that President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s wife is “extremely abusive and bad-tempered most of the time” in addition to allegedly “misusing” state resources through overseas and nationwide trips promoting her charity.

“Some of the people who have been at the receiving end of her abuse have even accused her of physical violence and using inappropriate language towards police officers, her aides and even high-ranking government officials,” a senior government official said, speaking on condition they were not named.

“Regrettably, her behaviour is far worse than that of former first lady Grace Mugabe in the twilight of her late husband’s reign. It’s unsettling that history seems to be repeating itself, which completely runs contrary to President Mnangagwa’s way of doing things.”

A second person, who said he had witnessed the first lady’s erratic behaviour at close hand, said: “She is exhibiting a troubling insensitivity and complete disregard for the dignity and rights of others.

“When those in positions of authority act with impunity and total disregard for the rule of law, the foundations of democracy and justice are threatened. It is particularly important that those in influential positions like the first lady uphold the values of respect, dignity and ethical conduct.”

The people urged President Mnangagwa to institute an internal enquiry through his spy network to get a grip on the matter and “rein her in.”

The 61-year-old is also accused of meddling in the running of government ministries, including calling ministers and shouting at them.

In 2019, she ordered the dismissal of former Herald editor Tichaona Zindoga after labelling him a “snake in the carpet” when he pushed back against her demands for prime placement of her stories daily in the paper.

In 2020, when the ZBC’s head of news and current affairs Gilbert Nyambabvu refused to run a news story in which she had an interest, he was summoned to a meeting with the first lady at her office.

Surrounded by over a dozen men, likely state security, she hectored Nyambabvu for over 20 minutes during which time he was barely allowed to say a word. Within days, Nyambabvu was shunted out of his job and made director of digital and TV services before he resigned.

Government spokesman Ndavaningi Mangwana said: “The first lady has nothing to do with the running of ZBC. Policy decisions come from the ministry and strategic decisions are made by the board.”

The first lady was forced to apologise to military chiefs in 2019 after an eight-minute call recording of her shouting at 1 Presidential Guard Infantry Battalion commander Colonel Samson Murombo leaked.

She apparently lost it at the time after observing two aides on her security with new phones supplied by the military. She said the two – a Mhlanga and a Manjoro – were military spies.

She then went on to repeatedly invite Murombo to shoot her, accusing the military of plotting against her husband. Later, in the same recording, she changes her mind and said Murombo should shoot her husband, the President, because she has children.

Murombo escalated the matter all the way up to the Zimbabwe Defence Forces commander General Philip Valerio Sibanda then, who approached President Mnangagwa over the matter.

A meeting of top security bosses reportedly discussed the issue and decided that the matter was a storm in a tea cup. The first lady reportedly apologised.