HARARE – Zanu PF information director Tafadzwa Magwadi has made startling claims Tuesday’s invasion of a CCC press conference in Harare by yobs was a culmination of an internal feud by rival factions within the Nelson Chamisa led opposition.
Chaotic scenes rocked the press briefing at the Media Centre in Harare’s CBD when youths linked to Zanu PF climbed the stairs to second floor of the Harare CBD building and stole some opposition branded material in attempts to disrupt the event.
CCC officials who include party national spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere, election officer Ian Makoni, his deputy Ellen Shiriyedenga were escorted by security through the emergency exit to escape the wrath of youths who had manned the main entrance of the building.
The thuggish incident was witnessed by a group of journalists who had come to cover the press briefing.
Mahere pointedly accused Zanu PF for the incident, adding that no amount of intimidation by the enemy would deter the opposition from conducting its peaceful events.
She said the invasion was part of a well-scripted plot by Zanu PF and police to provoke the opposition into violent reaction with the ruling party in order to arrest CCC leaders.
However, in later comments to ZimLive Wednesday, Mugwadi derisively brushed aside opposition claims some Zanu PF youths were involved in the chaos.
“We are fully informed that this was a purely internal matter involving disgruntled youths belonging to an anti-Chamisa faction who were protesting his anointing of a youth assembly chair after freezing out positions for those who were once elected.
“We are informed the youths were mobilised by embattled former CCC youth chair Obey Sithole, ambitious activist Stephen Chuma and another only identified as Womberai Nhende.
“It is on public record they accuse Chamisa and his new kitchen cabinet where Fadzai Mahere is the undisputed kitchen mistress of undermining Obey Sithole and Cecelia Chimbiru by anointing little known student activist to lead the youths,” said Mugwadi.
He added, “Where does Zanu PF come in this matter? No amount of childish spinning can hide CCC dog-eat-dog infighting. They are clutching on each others’ throats.
“They accuse Nelson Chamisa of having no legitimate constitutional claim to lead their party and therefore has no right to freeze posts of other CCC politicians.
“Come on, common sense tells you there was no way two little boys could ever disrupt a presser easily. CCC must Stop chasing shadows or hallucinating and introspect.”
The disruption of the CCC event follows almost similar countrywide incidents in which opposition politicians and their followers have been brutalised by the enemy with tacit approval by police who are yet to arrest the culprits.